How Instagram became the place of profit for Clovia lengerie
That marketing is now to be spelt with a D is a decade-old conclusion. Without the digital facet of modern-day marketing, the global consumer would be clueless about the tons of brands small and big. A digital marketing agency can’t tell you enough of how social media platforms — built to enhance online connections between people and professionals — are the virtual marketplace pitching products to you every minute.
Before you jump to a nasty conclusion about social media, think again. All that digital promo needs hard-core research, insights and analysis by an expert digital marketing agency. The best digital agency advises brands to never spread themselves all over, but focus on the one platform that
- Connects with the primary target group
- Engages with existing and potential consumers efficiently and effectively
- Applies to the elemental reach out — via images, sound, audio-visual or written content
- Converts all promotions to hard-core sales numbers
Clicking on the right digital marketing options is Clovia — Indian lingerie brand founded in 2012. Focusing on the young and digi-savvy women from Tier I and Tier II markets, Clovia took to Instagram as its primary digital marketing platform. Research proved that the primary audience — informed women who were comfortable ordering their lingerie online — was on this image-sharing platform.
Let’s take a look at how each Instagram element has been successfully tapped and leveraged for profit and promotions by Clovia via the handle @clovia_fashions
Apparel brands will gravitate to Instagram for obvious reasons. It is a photo sharing app that lets fashion brands thrive on its virtual window display. Clovia’s posts are aesthetically designed and create appeal in a tone that’s simple, clean and spunky.
Moreover, the monotony is broken with a mix of photos, Insta reels, memes, creatives and so on. Mixed content is the hallmark of social media marketing.
Hashtag Handy
Hashtags aren’t those random terms you drop in casual conversations with ample air quotes. They are the search tools that bring your brand to the consumer’s visual orbit with unfailing surety. Clovia has over 230k followers, which it has garnered with the right hashtags that create a lacy trail of lingerie buyers for itself. Ranging from the generic — #shoponline — to the specific #clovia, the hashtag template is a researched and applied one, suggested by the digital marketing agency.
Shop Now!
From February — April 2016, Clovia ran an Instagram campaign with the aim to boost its end-of-season sales by 10%. It was achieved by crisp and clear communication of a call to action (CTA). This created conversion as women had their fingers tapping on the Shop Now option that directly lead them to the Clovia website. A 10% boost in sales revenues, and a 6% increase in conversions created a success story of the right fit.
Stories, Highlights and the works
When you find the right platform, you exploit all possible elements. Any social media marketing company will be skilled with its tools. Clovia uses the Insta Stories, Highlights and Bio to get it right from start to finish. Highlights display quizzes, store locations, events and reviews. Insta Stories keep you informed about all that’s new and fresh for the day. After all, we’re talking about a daily need, aren’t we?!
Tone, Timing and Tonality
The voice is a friendly, casual one. It makes the experience of selecting and buying lingerie fun for you — rather than an ordeal. It keeps with the trends to create the right memes, “Pawri” to periods and all that comes in between.
Navigating digital marketing solutions specific to your brand or service is not necessarily a rough ride. You have to start with a few basic questions — what, why, who and when — and zero-in on a digital medium that will have answers to all these questions. Back it up with solid supply chain and logistics co-ordination, customer service and quality check and you have a digital success story in the making.
Wish to connect with the right digital marketing agencies for your brand? Put your Project on GroCurv today!